The Return of Travel

11June 2021

Welcome Aboard And The Return of Travel.

Everybody at Jones Executive is looking forward to welcoming all our customers aboard and back to the return of travel in the UK.

jones executive coach

Let’s get travelling…

It’s been a strange and challenging year for everybody, not least the travel industry. The frustration people have been feeling over not being able to take holidays and breaks to see friends and loved ones has been heart-breaking.

Now exciting times are ahead and Jones Executive Travel are ready and equipped to connect you with the places and people you’ve missed over the months.

Not only that, our fleet is ready to transport you in comfort, style and safety. Rather than shutting up shop and sitting at home during the pandemic, we’ve been busy preparing and upgrading our fleet so that on your return we are bigger and better than before. And with the introduction of some new coaches we are ready to take on the challenge and return as the upgraded coach company you know and trust…

We understand everyone might be feeling a little different about the world and maybe a bit apprehensive, but we hope once on board your fears and concerns will be put to rest.

people socially distancing while waiting to get on board a coach

Top Travel Tips.

To keep you safe while the country tries to rid itself of the pandemic, you can rest assured that the staff at Jones Executive coaches will be doing all they can while on your journey. 

This will include continual cleaning and sanitising of coaches after each trip, wiping down and sanitising common touchpoints throughout the journey, and practicing social distancing with seat layouts as per the up to date guidance from the UK.Gov and Public Health England.

That said, here are some top tips you can use yourself to make your journey more comfortable and safer.

  • Continue wearing a face covering when moving around the coach or getting on and off (unless you are exempt on medical grounds.)
  • Carry your own personal hand sanitising lotion and use it frequently. Apart from keeping the virus at bay, they have proved to be a great freshen up aid, especially before and after eating.
  • We all love a good sing-song, but the guidelines tell us that loud talking and singing can make droplets from our lungs spread even further. So while you may fancy yourself as the onboard Pavarotti, at the moment it’s best keeping it for the shower!
  • Pack your sunglasses. The beauty of coach travel is being able to watch the world go by through those great big windows, so you don’t want to miss anything by hiding from the sun.
  • Where casual comfortable clothes. While we all like to look smart on our trips out, formal clothes can be restrictive and stuffy. Loose and casual is the best for travel.
  • Don’t forget to pack a travel pillow and make yourself really comfy, along with a pullover or jacket just in case things turn a little cooler when you stop for a break.
  • And lastly, a nice supply of your favourite snacks and drinks to really enjoy the journey. (And of course a carrier bag for the rubbish). However, not too many drinks – you never know how far the next stop may be. That said, you’re on a Jones Executive coach, so washrooms come as standard.

Welcome back and enjoy your excursion!…

Woman wearing sunglasses looking out of a coach window